Crenwelge CDJR Fredericksburg

Jan 14, 2024

Most drivers don’t think about their car battery until it develops a problem or fails to start the engine. Fortunately, a failing battery almost always shows signs that something is wrong. As your Jeep dealer, we’d like you to know a few signs that you may need to visit us for a new car battery.

car battery replacement in fredericksburg texas
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Corroded Battery Terminals

The positive and negative terminals on the top of your battery are the battery’s connection points to the electrical system. Corrosion on the terminals disrupts the flow of electricity into and out of the battery, forming a physical barrier that electricity can’t pass through. The corrosion is caused by the battery as the chemicals inside it slowly break down due to age.

Sulfuric acid inside the battery plays an essential role in allowing the battery to store and supply electricity. When sulfuric acid breaks down, it releases hydrogen. Hydrogen molecules escape the battery casing and join with sulfur molecules in the engine to form hydrogen sulfide. This new chemical forms the acidic salt that causes corrosion. If your battery is corroding, it’s already started to fail. We’ll replace your battery to solve this issue.

The Engine Starts And Dies

The battery powers the starter, and the starter cranks your engine. The cranking action draws fuel and air into the intake manifold to start the combustion process. Once combustion begins, your engine operates under its own power and continues to do so until you switch the engine off. If your engine starts and then dies before combustion begins, there’s a problem.

One of the causes of an engine suddenly dying is a lack of battery power. A weakening battery may not have enough power to sustain the cranking process until combustion takes over to keep the engine running. The weak battery could be due to age, damage, or low recharging rates. Our technicians will need to investigate to fix this issue.

Weak Alternator

The alternator produces electricity, which is then supplied to all your car’s systems and devices. Alternators are vert robust, but  will eventually show signs of aging as parts wear out and fail. If your alternator is eight years old or more, it could start to weaken.

If this happens, the level of electricity produced will drop, electrical issues will develop, and your battery’s recharging will be affected. A weak alternator can’t fully recharge the battery, which will then also weaken. The battery warning light on your dash will illuminate to warn that something is wrong. We’ll test your alternator to confirm it’s the source of the problem, then we’ll install a new one.

Don’t let a weakening battery ruin your day. Visit our service department at Crenwelge CDJR Fredericksburg in Fredericksburg, TX.